El Centro, Ca. — May 6, 2024 — The City of El Centro will have a Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for the South Imperial Avenue Extension Phase I and Phase II Projects at 9 a.m. on May 22, at the southeast corner of South Imperial and Wake avenues. The public is welcome to attend.
“We have been waiting for this moment for many years. This will open up the opportunity to provide more commercial and residential development,” said El Centro Mayor Sylvia Marroquin. “It has been a long process, and we are excited about what this extension will mean for the City and our residents.”
These initial construction phases, at a cost of $5.5 million, add to the $7.7 million already invested in the project for right-of-way acquisition, utility relocations, and design services, for a total $13.2 million regional investment to date. The project advances the goal of improved local and regional circulation and connectivity and promises a brighter future for the City. Funding is provided by a combination of SB1 gas tax funds, regional federal funds, local Measure D funds, and past developer impact fees.
Phases I and II consisted of constructing a new roadway from the new I-8 interchange to Wake Avenue, extending Wake Avenue from South Eighth Street west towards South Imperial Avenue, and extending South Imperial Avenue from Wake Avenue to Danenberg Drive. Danenberg Drive was extended west to connect with the new South Imperial Avenue.
The new section of South Imperial Avenue transitions in width from the existing two lanes in each direction at the interchange to one lane in each direction, plus a median turn lane has been installed as it approaches Danenberg Drive. A new signal light has been installed at the intersection of South Imperial and Wake.
The public can access the Ribbon-Cutting site through the intersection of Wake Avenue and South Eighth Street. Please park on the asphalt and not on the dirt. The ceremony will conclude with a procession of vehicles from the City of El Centro, the Imperial County Transportation Commission, Southern California Association of Governments, California Department of Transportation, Office of Congressman Raul Ruiz., M.D., and Office of U.S. Senator Alex Padilla, driving through the new extension.
The new extension will be officially open to the public on May 23.