EL CENTRO, Ca.- July 19, 2024 – The City of El Centro invites the public to a community meeting for the Imperial Avenue Complete Streets Plan from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., August 8, 2024, at the El Centro Library, 1198 N. Imperial Avenue. The meeting will include children’s activities and refreshments.
Community members of all ages are invited to share their advice on proposed recommendations for improving the safety and access of Imperial Avenue for people who use all modes of transportation, including pedestrians, bicyclists, families with strollers, people with limited mobility using walkers and wheelchairs, and motorists.
“This is your chance to provide feedback on improving Imperial Avenue,” stated City of El Centro Mayor Sylvia Marroquin. “Your input is vital for the advancement of this project.”
The Imperial Avenue, Complete Streets Plan, will redesign Imperial Avenue from Adams Avenue to Treshill Road. The plan aims to preserve Imperial Avenue as an essential regional roadway while incorporating needed safety and beautification improvements for people walking, bicycling, and taking transit. The plan, funded through a Caltrans Sustainable Planning Program grant, is scheduled to be completed by February 2025. It will include assessing existing roadway conditions and extensive community engagement to help develop the best design that addresses the City and community concerns.
For those who can’t attend the August 8 community meeting, an online survey will be available after the meeting on the Imperial Avenue Complete Streets Plan page at the City of El Centro website, www.cityofelcentro.org, to share feedback on recommended improvements for Imperial Avenue.
For more information about the City of El Centro Imperial Avenue Complete Streets Plan, call (760)
337-4545 or email ecplanning@cityofelcentro.org