El Centro, Ca. — June 27, 2024 — With a steadfast dedication to the public safety of the citizens, the City of El Centro City Council passed a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 during a Special Meeting on Thursday in El Centro.
The 2024-2025 Balanced Fiscal Budget has projected expenditures of $40.4 million and revenue of $38,646,948. The projected shortfall of $1,769,298 will be covered by the City’s Reserve Fund Balance, which currently stands at $26,579,171. The General Fund Budget allocates 56.3% to public safety, which includes new positions and operating expenses.
The City’s Capital Project Fund delivers close to $26 million in projects of which it allocates 40.6% to Public Safety and 40.5% to Public Works infrastructure projects. It includes matching funds for road projects such as the South Imperial Avenue Extension Project and construction of the new Police Department Headquarters. The Capital Project Fund has a balance of more than $60 million.
“Our City is growing, and we are ensuring that we keep up with the demand in our public safety sector and infrastructure,” said El Centro Mayor Sylvia Marroquin. “With this balanced budget, we can reassure the public that the City continues to shine with opportunity.”
The City’s Special Revenue Fund helps fund road, maintenance, safety, park, and ADA improvements. The 2024-2025 Fiscal Budget will allocate close to $40 million to benefit the community with various improvement projects.
The City’s Water and Wastewater Enterprise Fund provides, personnel, services, supplies, and capital projects to the public on a continued basis and is financed primarily through the collection of water and sewer rates. The projected liabilities for water services of $941,032 and $4,312,030 for wastewater will be covered by the Enterprise Fund.
“This budget reflects priorities that cover public safety, infrastructure improvements, parks and recreation, and demonstrates that we are focused on the quality of life of our residents,” said Mayor Marroquin.