El Centro, CA., March 24, 2025:
The City of El Centro has launched a new Mass Notification System to help residents stay informed and safe. This free service delivers real-time alerts for both emergency and non-emergency situations affecting the community.
Subscribers can receive emergency alerts such as evacuation notices, fire warnings, and other urgent safety information. Non-emergency notifications include city council updates, road closures, city facility changes, job openings, community engagement opportunities, press releases, and special event details. Weather alerts from a third-party provider are also available, with options for call notifications.
Residents can register for the Mass Notification System by visiting the City’s website at www.cityofelcentro.org.
Subscribers can choose their preferred language and communication method, including email, text, and voice alerts. All personal information is secure and used only to send relevant updates.
For assistance or more information, contact publicinfo@cityofelcentro.org. Stay informed, stay safe, and stay connected.