City of El Centro

Community Development Department

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Planning Commission

The Planning Commission holds meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the El Centro Council Chambers, located at 1275 W. Main Street. The Planning Commission meets to review and take action on certain planning applications and also makes recommendation to the City Council on matters pertaining to the City’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission consists of seven (7) members serving a four year term, which are appointed by the Mayor in November.  Planning Commission meetings are available for remote participation using Zoom AND at the location of the hearing for in-person attendance.

To view agendas, agenda packets, and approved meeting minutes please visit:

Environmental Assessment Committee

The Environmental Assessment Committee (EAC) consisting of the Community Development Director, City Manager, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, Police Chief, Fire Chief, and Building Official, or their designee conduct an initial study on all projects that are not exempt from CEQA and assess the environmental impacts associated with a project.

Administrative Committee

The Administrative Committee (AC) consists of the Community Development Director, City Manager, Director of Public Works/City Engineer, Police Chief, Fire Chief, and Building Official, or their designee. The AC assists the Community Development Director, Planning Commission, and City Council to better expedite certain administrative reviews as established by the Council. It is also established to function as a board of zoning adjustment in maters regarding administrative variances.

The Administrative Committee and the Environmental Assessment Committee meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Economic Development Large Conference Room, 1249 W. Main Street. Agendas are mailed to applicants the Friday before the meeting date and are posted at City Hall and on the City’s website.

Council Meeting
New Public Library
Community Newsletter Summer 2023