City of El Centro

Public Record Requests

How to file a Public Records Act Request The City of El Centro has a Public Records Portal (NextRequest) that allows anyone to submit a request, correspond with City staff, and track requests online. The portal also allows users to search for published...

Campaign Statements

Campaign Disclosure Filings AB 2151 Beginning January 1, 2021, this law requires local government agencies to post campaign statements and reports on their agency’s website, within 72 hours of each applicable filing deadline, if they are filed in paper format. If...


Transparency in El Centro – Open EC El Centro is pleased to provide a site dedicated to Transparency in our City.  An open and transparent City government promotes accountability and builds public trust. We want to provide our residents access to...


NumberCategoryPolicy Name51Misc.Naming Streets and City Facilities104GeneralCity Council Correspondence and Recognition109GeneralSocial Media Policy111GeneralExternal Website Linking112GeneralEnvironmentally Preferable Procurement 114GeneralRecovering Damage to...