City of El Centro

City Clerk’s Office

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Boards and Commissions

The City of El Centro values public involvement in the city’s decision-making process.  City boards and commissions are one vital component to bringing new ideas to the City Council and representing the diverse community.  Members of these boards and commissions are a valuable resource for city government by assisting the City Council make the most informed decision for the benefit of the entire community.

Each year, the public has an opportunity to apply for vacant and expired positions.  As part of the annual City Council review of appointments process, citizens of the city, pursuant to the Maddy Act (Maddy Act – Local Appointment List), have equal access to specific and current information about the many local regulating and advisory boards and commissions.  The Act provides all qualified applicants the equal opportunity to be informed of vacancies and opportunities to participate in the operations of local government by serving on such boards and commissions.

One (1) Unscheduled Personnel Appeals Board. Doc”

Application for Appointment  to Citizens’ Boards/Commissions

All boards and commission members are required to file a Statement of Economic Interest and pursuant to AB 1234, attend an Ethics Training Course (every two years).

Council Meeting
New Public Library
Community Newsletter Summer 2023