307 W. Brighton Avenue
El Centro, CA 92243
(760) 337-4505

To report maintenance issues such as broken street lights or traffic signals, potholes, water or sewer leaks, please select the “Fix It” button or call public works at (760) 337-4505.
Street & Utility Maintenance is responsible for all local City streets as well as the storm sewer collection system, water distribution and sewage collection system.
Employees can be seen around the City repairing local traffic signals or replacing traffic signs, maintaining the streets, replacing sidewalks and curbs and repairing or replacing fire hydrants. In addition, this is a support division for all other departments in the City and has the responsibility of keeping the City’s fleet of diverse equipment operating effectively and economically.
GIS Interactive Sidewalk Application
This interactive map showcases sidewalk improvements completed by Public Works over the past three years (green dots). It also shows the proposed sidewalk locations to be completed by CDBG 2024 Project (yellow dots) in Summer 2025.