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Proposition 218

Proposed Solid Waste Collection Rate Adjustments
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Proposition 218 Public Hearing Notice (English)                         

Proposicion 218 Aviso de Audiencia Publica (Spanish)

EXHIBIT A / ANEXO A– Proposed Rate Schedule

Maximum possible 5-year rate schedule for all services

Proposition 218 Council Presentation (April 5, 2022)

Proposition 218 Staff Report (April 5, 2022)

Pursuant to Proposition 218, the El Centro City Council will hold a public hearing to consider increases to the City’s residential, multi-family, commercial and roll-off solid waste collection and processing service fees. The public hearing will include consideration of adopting a resolution that will authorize maximum rate increases for solid waste collection services for a five-year (5-year) period commencing July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2027.

The public hearing for the proposed rate increase will be held on:

June 7, 2022 at 6 p.m.
or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard

City Council Chambers
1275 W. Main Street
El Centro CA 92243

A list of frequently asked questions has been included below, but if you have additional questions or concerns related to the Proposition 218 Public Hearing for the proposed rate adjustments, please call Catherine Gutierrez at (760) 352-6178 or email

Se habla español. Estamos aquí para atender sus preguntas. Si tiene mas preguntas, comuníquese con Catherine Gutierrez al (760) 352-6178 o por correo electrónico a

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Proposition 218?

Proposition 218, or the “Right to Vote on Taxes Act”, was approved by California state voters in November 1996. The Act amended the California constitution to require local governments to follow certain procedures when they impose fees for certain kinds of services in order to ensure that they are subject to voter approval.  Prop 218 is a tool designed to provide greater public involvement in the rate setting process.

Q: I am home owner (or rent and pay the trash bill).  How much will this affect my monthly bill?

In El Centro, the trash rate is included in your combined water/sewer/trash bill. The trash rate component of that bill is requested to increase $2.31 per month (11.2%) one time starting on July 1, 2022 and up to 4% each year thereafter through June 30, 2027. As such, your total combined bill would increase by that same amount. Refer to the table below to get the maximum proposed rates going forward.

Sample single-family residential cart service projected maximum rate schedule

Residential cart service includes one each refuse, recycling, and organic waste cart. Rate does not include the rate for used oil/filter collection of $0.06 per month per eligible home.

A full list of all maximum possible rates is available by selecting the link above titled “Maximum possible 5-year rate schedule for all services”

Q: I am home owner (or rent and pay the trash bill).  In the past I asked for and received a second green or blue cart from CR&R, will my rate change?

Currently, everyone gets three-bin service (black, blue, green). That continues. If you have requested from CR&R an additional bin, a new rate is requested for that extra bin starting July 1, 2022. Refer to Exhibit A for the proposed charge starting July 1, 2022. If you no longer require that extra bin, contact CR&R to have them update your account and the extra bin removed from your property.

Q: I own a business or a multifamily complex. How much will my rate increase?

Commercial and multi-family rates are proposed to increase 7% onetime starting on July 1, 2022 and up to 4% each year thereafter through June 30, 2027 across the rate structure.

In addition, a new fee is introduced for Commercial Recycling Service. Currently the recycling bin is offered free of charge. The City proposes to establish a rate equivalent to 37.5% of the comparable trash service rate starting July 1, 2022 and at 75% of the comparable trash service rate starting July 1, 2023. Refer to Exhibit A for the full list of proposed rates starting July 1, 2022

Q: How about other services such as roll-off containers, how much will rates increase?

Rates such as roll-off solid waste collection are also proposed to increase 7% starting on July 1, 2022 and up to 4% each year thereafter through June 30, 2027 across the rate structure. The proposed Rate Exhibit A provides a full list or proposed rates for the July 1 2022 to June 30 2023 period. A full list of all maximum possible rates is available by selecting the link above titled “Maximum possible 5-year rate schedule for all services”

Q: Why is the City requesting this rate increase?

The primary factors for the proposed new rate structure are cost increases due to inflation as well as increases in solid waste collection costs such as fuel and supplies, increased costs of providing State-required organics diversion programs and other recently enacted State mandates and volatility in recycling markets.

Q: What services are covered by the rates?

The rates are for the operation and administration of the solid waste disposal and recycling services and programs implemented by the franchisee as required by State law, the City Code, and the franchise agreement. Such services include solid waste containers, solid waste pick-up, street sweeping, periodic bulky and special item curbside pickup, oil recycling, sharps disposal and paper shredding events. Additional information on services provided by CR&R is found at

Q: Are we the only city affected?

No. The costs associated with the proposed rate increase will affect most, if not all, jurisdictions in County and the State. Costs associated with CPI, SB 1383, recycling markets, and market wages will impact solid waste rates all across California.

Q: How does the rest of the process work?

A Proposition 218 Notice will be mailed to each active customer of CR&R in the City of El Centro on by April 22. The Notice will include rate change details and rate adjustment calculations. Between April 22 and June 7, 2022, customers have the opportunity to protest the rate increase. At the June 7, 2022 City Council meeting, this item will be before the City Council for their consideration and discussion. The purpose of a Public Hearing is to provide an opportunity for residents to provide and receive information associated with decisions to be made by the City Council.

Q: How do I protest?

Owners or tenants of a property receiving services from the City of El Centro may submit a written protest against the Proposed Rate Increase to the City Clerk before the close of the Public Hearing on June 7, 2022. A valid written protest must contain a statement that you protest the increase, the address or APN of the property which receives solid waste services, and a signature by either the owner or the tenant-customer of the property. One written protest per property shall be counted in calculating a majority protest. Written protests will not be acceptable by e-mail or facsimile.

Written protests regarding the solid waste rate increase may be personally delivered or mailed to:

City of El Centro
Attn: City Clerk
1275 W Main Street
El Centro CA, 92243

If valid written protests are presented by a majority of owners and/or tenants-customers of properties receiving service, then the City will not adjust/increase the rates for the services.

Q: Can I protest some, but not all, of the proposed rate increase?

No. Solid waste service rates include recycling and organics services and the costs are therefore considered as a whole. As a result and as required by the State of California, solid waste, recycling and organics service are available to all residents of the City of El Centro.

Q: I received multiple notices by mail, can I protest more than once?

Only one protest letter may be submitted per parcel.

Q: Where can I get more information?

Contact the City at (760) 352-6178 or email

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